Designer's Delight
Glen Lee Jones
Glicee Print - Archival Inks, Papers, Mattes & Wooden Frames
I cannot imagine a world absent of information, or a world void of pictures, a world where communication is restricted only to speech and the written word. Imagine this and indeed the miracle of photography becomes overwhelmingly apparent. My Intent is to create and tap into this inner truth, to stir the imagination, to reflect upon honest emotions and to construct this provocative psyche on a timeless photographic print is what this process is all about. The pure fascination of this process drives and inspires me. The amazing world of photography is simple, yet complex; beautiful yet imperfect; universal yet individual; momentary yet ageless.
My intent has always been to capture and present the elements of graphic design that includes both aesthetic qualities and technical excellence.
In conclusion, the main reasons I'm glad to part of this project is that I'm at a crossroads as an artist. The process of creative stimulation combined with exchanging ideas with other emerging artists and exploring new avenues beyond my comfort zone is exciting to me. Equally important is to share my experiences with other artists, helping and encouraging them to evolve and pursue their dreams. To promote the importance of inclusion, not only as artists but in our everyday lives.